4.6.1 Description � Long Distance Directory Assistance is available
to Customers of Company�s Service. The charge applies to each call
made to the Directory Assistance Operator regardless of whether the Directory
Assistance Operator is able to furnish the requested telephone number.
A maximum of two requests for telephone numbers may be made on each call
to the Directory Assistance Operator.
4.6.2 A credit allowance for a Directory Assistance call will be provided
at the Customer�s request after experiencing poor transmission quality,
receiving an incorrect telephone number, or inadvertently misdialing the
intended Directory Assistance number.
4.6.3 Rates � The rates for Directory Assistance are set forth in Section
Handicapped Exemption � Handicapped Customers who qualify for
an exemption from Directory Assistance charges due to visual or other physical
disabilities will be required to submit a written letter of verification
to the Company. Each Directory Assistance billed call will appear
on the subsequent month�s bill as a credit.